Similar words: pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, pregnant, regnant, impregnate, impregnable, poignancy, stagnancy. Meaning: n. a physiological test to determine whether a person is pregnant.
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1. A positive pregnancy test soon confirmed her intuitive feelings.
2. The pregnancy test was negative.
3. Her pregnancy test was negative.
4. Anne's pregnancy test was negative.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. You just go to the hospital for your pregnancy test and arrange a date for the abortion at the same time.
6. He may arrange for you to have a pregnancy test.
7. To get a free pregnancy test with Immediate results go to a family planning clinic or a Brook Centre.
8. First Response Home Pregnancy Test uses the latest in home diagnosis technology.
9. Nurse: The pregnancy test was positive.
10. The urine pregnancy test proves to be positive.
11. The pregnancy test was positive.
12. I fear the results of the pregnancy test.
13. We need some urine for a pregnancy test.
14. I need a pregnancy test.
15. A positive pregnancy test (presence of human chorionic gonadotropin), ultrasound, and culdocentesis with presence of blood are helpful in making the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.
16. Knowing when to take a pregnancy test will help you know whether or not you're pregnant.
17. Kim sees the pregnancy test in her mother's bathroom, and Teri confirms that she is pregnant.
18. The results of her pregnancy test were negative, ie showed that she was not pregnant.
19. She found all that out from a home pregnancy test?
20. Will a pregnancy test be accurate if you're taking the birth control pill?
21. Nurse: The pregnancy test was positive. Where is the pain and what's it like?
22. E . Pap smear, urine pregnancy test, urinalysis and urine culture. Cervical culture for gonorrhea and chlamydia.
23. Can you give us some urine for a pregnancy test?
24. Sally took a pregnancy test and the result was positive.
25. Insemination was defined as successful if the woman did not menstruate when expected and subsequently had a positive pregnancy test result.
26. Has David made you pregnant? Not sure? Then you need the David pregnancy test.
27. Therefore melts in the urine test the chorion to press the gonadotrophic hormone to be called the pregnancy test.
28. Nurse: Can you give us some urine for a pregnancy test?
29. The results of other tests, including the measurement of serum iron and ceruloplasmin concentrations, iron saturation, 24-hour urine copper levels and a pregnancy test, were unremarkable.
More similar words: pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, pregnant, regnant, impregnate, impregnable, poignancy, stagnancy, benignancy, malignancy, nancy, pancytopenia, take a fancy to, repugnance, tenancy, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, pretest, predominance, oocyte, hemocyte, histocyte, interregnum, astrocyte, phagocyte, osteocyte, leucocyte, leukocyte, glucose tolerance test, hepatocyte, lymphocyte.